New album coming up!

Kristina Fuchs and Jeroen van Vliet are planning a new Duo-recording – the album is due to be released in Spring 2025. We will keep you posted…
B.C. Manjunath & NEuE
A joy to start the new concert season with is the composition of Antonio Moreno Glazkov for Indian percussionist B.C. Manjunath and New European Ensemble where I am invited to participate. September 9th in ConcertLab/Leeuwenbergh – don’t miss it… see more…
Wölflis Weltreise
So in the middle of the pandemic, when everybody was more or less grounded, we went on a world trip with Adolf Wölfli, who never travelled anywhere.
Wonderful collaboration with the writers collective “Bern ist überall”. Spoken word / music performance in French and German around Wölfli’s Weltreise book, with Antoine Jaccoud, Laurence Boissier, Gerhard Meister, Stefanie Grob, Maru Rieben and Kristina Fuchs. French première in Monthey (in French) in Klee museum Bern (in German) in May 2021. read more

New CD out: 37FERN
Two bassclarinets and two singers – what a band! Together with Oğuz Büyükberber, Tobias Klein and Claron McFadden I recorded a CD for the project 37FERN, released on the Dutch label Trytone. It’s for sale now and we made it to the cover of the Dutch Clarinet Magazine 😀
buy here
djÂse in Delémont and Zürich and on SRF 1
What a nice project! Written for Röseligarte extended by our Cellist Jacques Bouduban, with Adi Blum, Lucien Dubuis and my humble self, enriched by an Alphorn and a 16-piece choir. Songs in the pâtois of the Jura region, we performed in the Cultural Centre of Delémont and Tonhalle Maag in Zürich. More to come!