
…auf ins Münsterland!!



Looking forward to a trip to Germany where I’ll perform with my former Royal Conservatory The Hague co-student Christian Kappe. Pack the bag with Loopstation and Hang, microphones and loads of cables – should be fun.
11. Oktober Bergbaumuseum Ibbenbüren.

Yodel in Hi-Fi


Bart PlantengaFrom Kitsch Folk to Contemporary Electronica

4594Yodel in Hi-Fi explores the vibrant and varied traditions of yodelers around the world. Far from being a quaint and dying art, yodel is a thriving vocal technique that has been perennially renewed by singers from Switzerland to Korea, from Colorado to Iran. Bart Plantenga offers a lively and surprising tour of yodeling in genres from opera to hip-hop and in venues from cowboy campfires and Oktoberfests to film soundtracks and yogurt commercials. Displaying an extraordinary versatility, yodeling crosses all borders and circumvents all language barriers to assume its rightful place in the world of music.

Wynentaler Blatt, 22.01.2013


Wynenthal thumbnail
-> download article

Aargauer Zeitung 21.01.2013


AZ thumbnail

-> download article

Natascha Roth / Kristina Fuchs Duo



Kristina singing

Kristina Fuchs 2

Kristina + Hang2
